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Ebook Author Details

Sandra Baublitz
BellaOnline's Investing Editor

Hello and Welcome to Investing. My goals are to help you manage and invest your money for a brighter and more secure present and future. I have over 20 years experience investing in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other investments. I have experienced both the heady days of the 1990´s bull market and the depressing days of the dotcom bust and the 2008 plunge. I have read hundreds of investing books and dealt with quite a few financial professionals.

Money means so much to our everyday lives. It can provide comfort and pleasures or it can bring heartache and frustration. Investing wisely is a skill anyone can learn and accomplish even in these tough economic times. So this site will cover stocks and bonds and a variety of other investments. I´ll discuss investing strategies and answer your questions. The most important thing to note is that whatever investments are out there and whatever anyone tells you to do with your money, it is ultimately your decision to make. Following your opinion and planning and due diligence will get you where you want to go much better than following someone else´s plan. So follow along and read what I have to present to you then go and do what feels right for you. Remember I am your guide to the financial world; you ultimately decide what is best for you.

I love finance and investing. I am a more conservative investor having been without work off and on over the years. Also, I have a deep desire to have enough resources when I do get older after having lived with and cared for my grandmother, aunt and now my mother.

Reading romance novels, holding my cats, and gardening are some of my pursuits when not following investing and writing.

So come on this journey with me and become empowered to handle your own finances no matter the economic times.

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Contact Sandra Baublitz

Investing $10K in 2013
by Sandra Baublitz
Have you had the good fortune to have a lump sum to invest? Confused where to start? Investing $10K in 2013 shows you how easy it is to make the most from your money. It will help you create a simple and successful portfolio.
More Details ...

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