The End of Qaddafi?

The End of Qaddafi?
The end of yet another dictator appears to have occurred. Muammar Qaddafi’s compound was stormed yesterday, Tuesday, August 23. As of today, we still don’t know his whereabouts. But most believe that he couldn’t have possibly made it out of Libya.

A statement I saw flash across the news this morning said something along the lines of him fighting until his death. Yes, I have a feeling that is exactly how it will end.

Although I am happy to see this brutal dictator taken down and I am also quite proud of the role we played with NATO forces, we do have to wonder who will take over.

Personally, I think President Obama could have been more aggressive when we engaged in this conflict. But I am also going to give credit where credit is due…for the sheer fact that he participated in the Libyan air attacks.

Many in government were against this and some lawmakers talked about suing him for taking these military actions. However it seems to have been the foundation laid for what has now occurred.

Not everyone was for these actions but I would hope that we can now sit back and feel good about the fact that the leadership of pure evil has now come to an end.

My hope is that Qaddafi isn’t captured. That will only turn into one big circus. The best way to see this end is with his death. It is the only real way to even remotely compensate for the citizens of his country that he has slaughtered or the Pan Am flight that exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland in 1988.

His reign of terror will finally come to an end, much like it did when Saddam Hussein was taken down. I hope this provides a clear message to other brutal dictators and terrorists that eventually your time could come to an end.

I don’t agree with Obama’s policies and the way he has run this country. But like I said, I do believe in giving credit where it is due. At this point we don’t fully know the role we have played. While it appears that our boots never touched Libyan ground, there is speculation that Special Forces may have helped in training the rebels.

In the end all I can say is “sayonara” to Qaddafi.

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